You look great in wet jeans and a wet leather jacket! Your wet jeans and your wet leather jacket shine wonderfully! Your beautiful smile :) shows that you really like getting your clothes wet! :thumbsup: :)
Like you, when I wash with the hose, I have a habit of splashing water on my clothes (accidentally :) ?!) until I get completely wet!
I'm sure you like it a lot! The wet jeans and the jacket shine very nicely on you!
Love you, too
mwetm2012Photo: water starts filling up her boots8/30/22report
You slowly get wet with the hose until your jeans, blouse and denim jacket are full of water and shiny. I'm sure you have a lot of water in your shoes! :)
Love you, too
mwetm2012Photo: now her boots is filled with water 8/30/22report
mwetm2012Photo: yeah i know my sister loves me my boots is filled 8/26/22report
And you and your sister are very beautiful and sexy! I would like to have the opportunity to be near you two and wet your jeans and blouses with the water hose! Naturally, I would get my clothes wet too! :)
Love you, too
mwetm2012Photo: my sister birthday wishes of course water fight wi8/26/22report
I like to see you dancing with your wet clothes on. Even if it's dark, you can see that your wet jeans shine very nicely! :) I encourage you to make as many videos as possible!
wet_stuffMVideo: Showering with Favorite Flared Jeans and Black Boots10/11/21report
I really like how you get wet. Indeed, you are happy to get your clothes wet. Especially the jeans shine very nicely when wet. And I often bathe in jeans!
Love you, too
mwetm2012Video: Showering with Favorite Flared Jeans and Black Boots10/11/21report
I've always loved a wet T-shirt contest! :love:
Love you, too
wet_stuffMPhoto: my girl joining wet tshirt contest 10/9/21report