Has not heard from you for such a long time. I was worried that you weren't doing well. But the picture showed me the completely different story. You look great.
The beloved annual Christmas gala where the CEO wears his best tuxedo and gets pied and trashed by the Employee of the year is always a spectacle to see.
Lovely way to treat a suit. Now maybe the rest of the clothes could come off with the help of the scissors. Nice watch for instance and the rest of the suit. Thank you for the shoes which looked lovely especially at the end. Well done for leaving me hard.
My favourite way to ruin nice clothes. I hope it didn't end there as the suit was still in one piece and only one person seemed to have suffered. Sadly this was ruined by the slow video servers that UMD currently use. I don't suppose these videos are posted elsewhere?
Keep ruing the suits, I love it.
Lovely end to the tuxedo. Love to see smart clothing messed and destroyed. Would love to thing everything you were wearing was ultimately destroyed including shoes and watch. Keep up the good work.
I think every suit should have a messy send off. Just absolutely trashed. As well as be broken in by using it to swim in pools and get muddy/messy with. If only I could be there to see you give that tuxedo what it deserves haha.
stikiVideo: Messy Suit October 27, 202310/31/23report
LOVE how at the end the intern is made to wear the boss' jacket on his head...after he gunged it! JUST DESSERTS, as they say. :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: