Okay, you, my friend, have the most high quality pictures and videos of this site ! Every one of your content is a super pleasure to watch, to admire And the bears, you are handsome
Thank you for your sharing, I'm so happy to be a part of this messy muddy world.
The mud pit looks so inviting! I would love to climb in and stay in there all day... covered in the thick clay both inside and out! It would be a dream come true for me.
That looks so wondrously thick! I'd love to be in that tub with you, being fully covered in it! Piling it all over our bodies until we are unrecognizable and made one with the mud!
I wish I was there with you... in order to roll around in the thick clay and become fully covered both inside and out for hours on end. It would be so much fun to just lay back and become one with the extremely thick mud! I really want to be a mud bear too!
That looks like so much fun! I would love to be there right now & enjoy hours upon hours of muddy contact & kisses that would serve to only make us muddier! It would be a dream come true to be completely coated in that thick clay & the mud monsters within us!
This has always intrigued me and now I am curious about it. How does the clay taste? I would try it for sure while completely coated in the thick mess!