suitmessPhoto: Gungington Gazette--Council Department To Face The9/13/23report
It looks like you thoroughly mastered your lessons at Gunginton High School. Now it's time to matriculate to a higher level, such as a totally chocolate covered suit and tie or a suited mud wallow. Have fun and keep us posted on you activities.
keep your blazer fastened and tie knot tight when you are being messed.
Love you, too
knottyPhoto: You've let yourself down...2/21/19report
your cuffed crisp shirt,blazer and immaculately knotted tie deserve to be messed.
Love you, too
knottyPhoto: You've let yourself down...2/21/19report
thoroughly deserved gunging,you have brought shame on your school again.
Love you, too
knottyPhoto: You've let yourself down...2/21/19report
Looks like someone's going to get a long wait in detention....
Love you, too
PoplinPhoto: You've let yourself down...2/2/19report
I see that you're friends are all lined up in the canteen, waiting to get their revenge! All I can say is the spotted dick with custard and the rice pudding seem to have sold well today :-)
I see you are ready for the annual teachers vs pupils rugby match in school uniform. Get thee to the muddy rugby pitch and get that uniform a bit dirty