New teaser pic is out now.. :)
New uploads coming to my store are; soap, soak or strip a fun game show that I made up, me getting soaked in office attire in a trench coat, me stripping out of office attire, tights ripping and head dunking.
You are going to enjoy the rest of January 2021 with me on my store ;)
New videos will be released on my store at a weekly to monthly basis. I have more time to film at the moment you can thank UK national lockdown for this.. ;) I am very excited to add lots more downloads to my store for you guys and will be filming again soon!
Any new scene ideas or store suggestions let me know...
I will be filming some more content soon.
Thanks so everyone who purchased from my store I really appreciate the support and have been promoted to VIP on here twice in only my first week of the store opening <33
What do you guys want me to get soaked in next? Gym wear, dress, office attire, leggings, jeans again? Let me know your thoughts and suggestions... ;) xx