Love it. More Scarlett taking her stepmom through the paces. Massive pieing. Long slimings. But with no chance to get Scarlett back. Mom is only the nail, not the hammer.
Love you, too
Scene: Scarlett Slimes and Pies Her Stepmom7/28/24report
The corrupting of younger relatives continues. Great work, Melody. And welcome Chrissy.
Scene: Slime Pit Friday with Bagheera; Moana in the Chocolate Pit7/4/24report
The thumbnail is PERFECT! Nothing shows dedication to your craft than showing your own daughter no mercy. Can't wait for her to get some savory in the pit.
Scene: Summer's First Time (with Her Mom Jessica!)6/8/24report
I must confess, early on I was a little disappointed in Buffy continuing to tuck her chin during the early savories, even after being coached not to. For example, at 5:45, she's told for a third time, "head up" and four seconds later the chin is tucked. Zero beans on her face, just from the the crown of her head to her lap. I stopped at the ranch. Seven or eight pours in and barely anything on her chin or mouth.
Love you, too
Scene: Buffy's First Messy-Tight Shot5/28/24report
A scene with Dakota domming Sabrina like she did with Sofia, maybe? You already have the babysitter storyline
"It's disgusting" and "If I could do this again, I would" within seconds of each other. It doesn't get any better than a bubbly model smiling through her own self-admitted revulsion and eager to get disgusted again. I'm a Lalita fan.
Scene: Lalita Slimed for the First Time3/15/24report
Vivi is likely the sweetest, most genuine, family-dedicated, humble, God-loving and sincerest soul in this space. Fortunate to have known her long before this on facebook when lingerie is risque. So there is a special sense on wonder in seeing her push the limits of nastiness and humiliation time and again. I'm purchasing this in the hope that the cat food is thrown, as I enjoy the extra element of contempt that entails, but I will enjoy nonetheless.
Love you, too
Scene: Vivi Pied, Tar and Feathered, and Green Slimed!3/15/24report
Loving her evolution to allow nip slips. Pleasant surprise
I dig this series, as it's very ironic. Playboy in the Hef years was the epitome of elegance and grace in adult entertainment. To see S.M. go back and summon the ghost of Playmates past to bring them back to the spotlight for a treatment that would have disqualified them from selection had it come to Hef's attention is such a delicious turn. Many WAM models would have been rejected by Playboy, and to have their P.O.Ms reduced to the palates for things one wouldn't feed your pets is the height of devilish irreverence. Pet food of Colleen, please, and find as many Playmates as you can. Maybe an aging S.I. Swimsuit model or two in the future?
You guys have great chemistry, especially with you as the dominant one over her. You take well to that role, looking forward to you domming some of the other older models and I posted an idea for Sofia and you on a MG post
OMG She's BACK!!! I LOVED that old "Joy" shoot. It was one of my first WAM purchases. (Alana with the "Stride with pride"). Always wondered what happened to her
Video: Slimed Models Presents: How Does It Feel to Get Slimed3/30/23report
I'm a Black man, and I LOVE the concept of a Black woman getting tarred and feathered by a White woman. It has enough historical context to cause mild discomfort in some, which adds to the impact. It was an actual punishment during segregation days, so kudos to Mint as a Black woman "taking one for the ancestors" but in a good way. The visual of the Black girl on her knees to the White girl adds the perfect touch.Perfectly politically incorrect. More Black Girls tarred and feathered, please!
Junko won every contest, including every rock-paper-scissors, until the last one. What are the odds of that? I was beginning to think that she wouldn't get messy at all. The end made it worth it, though.
Since getting into this space,I've been partial to the newbies. Whether they came upon slapstick by chance,curiosity or answering an ad,there's something uniquely exhilarating seeing the 1st reactions of women from all walks of life getting their 1st humiliation. However, it takes a deliciously diabolical and confident mind to groom ones friends. There's no element of detachment,so seeing The Wife so masterfully merciless on Mackenzie makes me happy this was my 1st purchase from this store.
:ohno: :ohno: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:OMG!The nearly 2-minute slow burn smothering with the icing was EVERYTHING. You must have done a great job pre-coaching her on breathing, because she handled perfect, no attempts to breath IN through the nose, only out(the occasional bubbles were a nice touch) and in through the mouth AFTER breathing out. Chloe was a champ. Great video. Wish there were more new vids :D :D :D :D :D
Love you, too
Scene: Chloe in The Taste Test--Hot Mess Pies7/24/21report