No, covering your head doesn't make you disappear. Let me grab something here to prove it to you. I may have to grab this many, many, times. BTW, I think I will have to sit on you to do this correctly. :P
Such a well oiled... uh, lubricated uh, machine... uh, device... uh, collaboration OH! I am so distracted by this. I am so flustered! Well, just keep up the good work being done here.
Oh damn! How HOT! How Sensual! Another Piece of Pure Mud Eroticism! I just want to be pushed and/or pulled in and enjoy this, very slowly, in the deep clay.
As "momma" Cass Elliot sang; "Dream a little dream for me..."
I recently met a woman, who was fanning herself; "baby, it maybe be cool out, but this definitely is a personal summer"
That is so not fair (in a great way)! At least you could have asked for me to hold your towels for when you were done!
This "tease" is making me really admire the two of you!
[Really, you two are so lucky to have each other! And to share with us your (mud) fun.]
Kiss & submerge: Submerge & Kiss. Either way what a phantastic GIF! (I'm running out of superlatives here guys!)
Oh, I've got to find someone to do this to/with me, again and again!
You two are the touch-stone of the MUD world!
Can I lick the mud off you two? >>please?<<
Almost too much to absorb (Or be absorbed?) in one sitting!
Another masterpiece from the two of you! Nothing boring here! Being just an observer and not a participant is the hard part - been there, done that, almost bit my tongue off watching! Such marvelous choreography!
Uhm, strip me down, tie me up and throw me in; MAKE me watch! Please!
Better yet, make use of me while I sink in! (I'm vers!) :hehe:
I recently saw a YouTube clip where two men are riding a bucking bull together. That was fun to watch. But, this is SO much better!
Can you two ride me? PLEASE!
:thumbsup: :splosh: :splosh: :loveeyes:
Is this the way to do CPR? I think we're doing something wrong?!
Never mind, the mixing is going well. We'll try something else when you cum back up...
:splosh: :splosh: :splosh: :thumbsup:
Hummm, why does this remind me of a two cylinder engine? :D
Get my mind off of tractors and back to the muddy fields!
Loving every GIF these guys produce!!!!
Oh! SO HOT! This was a purchase without any question. And well worth it!
These two men really push the limits of imagination and reality.
THANK YOU, Buck and Muscle!
Yes! The full contents that produced the GIFs of this past week!
What a pleasing video. I wish I had been there while this was being recorded. What a piece to continue the arc of the videos you have produced within the dome.
Well worth the cost! Good work! So lucky! :love: :thumbsup: :D
Oh, H*ll!
I met these two last September ('23), while they were recording a video. [I almost bit my tongue off that time!].
I am looking forward to seeing them again this "coming" summer. :D
What a friendly, fantastic duo!! :love: :love: :thumbsup:
Keep up the great work you two!!
Oh, YES! What a fantastic way to warm up a frigid Sunday! Me (in the pit) next!!!
Well, that raised my blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration!
Nice! Thank you for sacrificing for the sake of this video! Would love to get up to your area and try out some of this for myself. Ah, for next season, maybe...
Such an open and welcoming position! Is this what they mean by a welcome waging? I really hope so.
I just want to grab those ankles and hang on for dear life. So GOOD! :thumbsup: :splosh: :splosh:
Ah, happy man! No reason to be sorry other than not being in that mud more often. Now at the end of summer, be not tempted to, but go! Deep and often! :splosh: :splosh:
Photo: My first time going fully nude in quarry mud. <38/30/23report
This whole series has been so good! This is so exciting! :thumbsup:
I've got to find mud like this and have this much fun with someone doing this!
You two seem to be having so much fun I wish I was there with you. :loveeyes:
Thank you for recording all of this!
That has to be 20 minutes of the MOST intense action I have ever seen! Kudos to the two of you for distracting me from all of my morning tasks! Even though I was not in that clay with you two I am breathless! :thumbsup:
Oh! This whole set of photos is marvelous!!
I purchased the video yesterday, love it!
So do want to try this, with the two of you.
So good!!! It's going to take a while to :love: all of the photos. If i don't get distracted first, the even longer... :thumbsup: :love: :thumbsup: :splosh:
This video is amazing! I would like to try this someday. I also like your series of sinking that you also published today.
Unfortunately, I don't get out to Delaware that often. But at least I have these videos to watch and enjoy.
Video: The Kayaker Is Now the Mud Beast (2/3)7/6/23report
Oh, this seems to have been going so well. Another video for "late night" viewing!
BTW, who/what was the visitor? 'scuze me, I've got something to take care of right now. :P
I almost bit my tongue off when I finally started to breathe again after viewing this.
I cannot believe how hot-and-bothered this GIF made me!
BRAVO! To both of you!
Huh! I had wondered how you set up the breathing tube. Now I know, tube, and snorkel mouthpiece. Brilliant! (With modifications, of course.) I was wondering if you had used a CPAP mask for the mouthpiece. (They are one-way air, but not as hidden.)
Good Job!
I am one of the "few" that enjoys this video. I've already downloaded it. So Horny!
:loveeyes: :love: :thumbsup: :splosh:
Hum... Pull your left tit out... Push your left tit in. Pull your... out, lah, lah, lah, and shake it all about. Oh, I just get so dizzy doing that all-about-part... lucky there is mud to fall back into...
:-P :-P :-P :thumbsup:
I really want to see you when you do this! So creamy, so covering. How do you do this without being completely distracted? However, I somehow feel sorry for the baseball cap. Well maybe not, if I could be that cap. :D
Woke up late today and what a scene to wake up to this morning! :loveeyes: :thumbsup:
Had to download this immediately! So much excellent stuff to wank-off-with!
Seriously, we need to meet up so that you can introduce me this world of yours.