@forfun - fillings are not always fun if we are talking about teeth though. Only fun with slime and gunge. hehe. For that I am happy to fill your uniform :kiss:
I really liked the slime dripping across the flowers on her wedding dress. That got some art points for me. I really liked when that happened and I saw some of the photos.
@Potatoman-J - YES! I love that getting her messy brings out her beautiful green eyes. One more reason to keep getting her messy! :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes:
@vols4everus - sorry but this awesome scene is being released next month. We got ambitious in shooting it way ahead of schedule. She loved getting super sticky in it and hope you enjoy it when it does get released!
Kate and I plan out most (99%) of our releases are around a fun holiday or current event. This picture is from a scene that will be released right before August 28th - Red Wine Day. 8-D