My Comments
Hey! wondered where you went xx
User: scottie splosher28/24/12report
Stop lying to people then and it might help. Just a tip.
User: jaywam8/1/12report
Thank you very much :D xxx
User: Messy Martin7/27/12report
Thank you xxx
User: Messy Martin7/22/12report
well done on wotd, tim! xxx
User: TimMorecambeLancaster7/20/12report
Welcome back gorgeous! xxx
User: MrMP7/8/12report
That was yesterday after a tornado, weirdly it was 26c and got even hotter after the storm! It caused a lot of damage locally, tornado damage nothing like the USA, but there are so many smashed windscreens from the hail that no one can get a repair for weeks it's so booked up.
Photo: Hail. 6/29/12report
Hey bill congrats on wotd! xxx
User: smittybill536/29/12report
Hey hon good to see you x
User: josh splosh6/29/12report
Woohoo Sir WOTD! Yay xxx
User: Messy Martin6/17/12report
Thank you sweetness xxx
User: Messy Martin6/16/12report
Thank you gorgeous lady! xxx
User: Jayce6/11/12report
Congrats Maddie on WOTD! xxx
User: MessyMaddie926/7/12report
Thanks si and great pics hon xx
User: sigunge6/6/12report
Get well soon love xx cwtch xx
User: muckyade6/6/12report
((((cuddles ade))))
User: muckyade6/5/12report
Yeah baby! WotD again, nice one ;-) xx
User: Messy Martin6/5/12report
Thanks pet, I will! xxx
User: Messy Martin6/4/12report
Thanks darlin, you ok? x
User: muckyade6/4/12report
Thanks love!! *pies clownsnap in face as a thanks* xx
User: Clownsnap6/4/12report
Noooo don't leave!! (((big hugs))))
User: muckyade6/3/12report
Congratulations on another wamshire WotD ;) xxx
User: Messy Martin6/3/12report
How are you now hon? text me x
User: muckyade6/2/12report
Thanks ade xxx
User: muckyade5/30/12report
Thank you xxx
User: Messy Martin5/30/12report
Thanks! xx
User: scousewam5/30/12report
Thanks hon xx
User: mr_nbs5/30/12report
How are you feeling now hon? xx
User: muckyade5/28/12report
= hairy trucker
lol ade - good luck hon I hope it's sorted quickly for you. Big hug x
User: muckyade5/23/12report
40 *is* the new 24. We laugh in the face of 24 ;)
User: Messy Martin5/23/12report
Hey have a great sesh tomorrow hon, get pics! x
User: Brick5/20/12report
Congratulations on the exciting news! Whens baby due? Big hugs xxx
User: scottishsplosher5/16/12report
Congratulations on WotD maddie! xxx
User: MessyMaddie925/15/12report
Woohoo! Congrats on WotD hon :D xxx
User: Brick5/14/12report
Congrats on WotD! xx
User: Goodwrench5/10/12report
Good isn't it? ;) xx
User: Messy Martin5/7/12report
Next truckload of vouchers due soon! ;)
Photo: Mmmmm5/6/12report
It's not helping that the site isn't updating, but it's def there! It did that to me the other day, but you are def WotD, so enjoy it!
User: Clownsnap5/6/12report
Congrats on WotD! xxx
User: Clownsnap5/6/12report
Hahaa.. so funny that you came up with that one! ;)
Photo: Suction... is a wonderful thing. 5/5/12report
Congratulations on WotD!! yay xxx cwtch xxxx
User: muckyade5/5/12report
Hey, I was wotd yesterday, look at this http://umd.net/wammers_of_the_day so it's def you today!! Congrats Yorkshire WOTD! lol xxx
User: MessyMaddie925/3/12report
Ah thanks babe, it's maddies wotd today though I'm sure xxx
User: Clownsnap5/3/12report
LOL I have no idea either also confused, but hey Congratulations, it seems convinced it's you so I will go with that xx
User: MessyMaddie925/3/12report
fill em three times ade? ;) xx
Photo: nearly5/1/12report
Thanks to your magic with the zip! haha
Photo: clean for once5/1/12report
I think my lovely visitor was a little tied up at that moment and couldn't make it to the mirror!
Photo: boobs!5/1/12report
Mmmmm, I was! ;) xx
Photo: heaven5/1/12report
lol! and nope am proper poorly :( xx
User: Clownsnap4/30/12report
imap and lmfao at your imap and lmao at my lmfao at your 'sod knees it's a party' ;)
User: muckyade4/30/12report
Was it stuck in your ears? ;) xxx
User: Clownsnap4/30/12report
I knooooow... argh!
User: Messy Martin4/30/12report
lmfao @ sod knees it's a party
User: muckyade4/29/12report
lol, be too funny if that happened, hahaa
User: MessyMaddie924/29/12report
Woohoo! Congratulations once more on WotD, and two in a row for Yorkshire! xxx
User: Messy Martin4/29/12report
Yeah me too but I only borrowed them for 6 months - this time buying! Do you like yours? and shoes sound v good!
User: MessyMaddie924/28/12report
Congrats on WOTD! What shoes you getting this time? ;) xxx
User: MessyMaddie924/28/12report
Congrats Bob on being WotD!! xxxx
User: bosunbob4/27/12report
Thanks xxx
Photo: New dress4/24/12report
Miss you! x
User: scottishsplosher4/24/12report
will ;) xxx
Congratulations on being WotD! xxx
User: Messy Martin4/22/12report
*big grin* yep not long now... prepping already ;) xx
User: Messy Martin4/21/12report
Thank you, beautiful! xxxx
User: Jayce4/21/12report
Thank you! xxxx
User: DutchWamandLeatherLover4/20/12report
Thanks :D xxxxx
User: Clownsnap4/20/12report
Thanks darlin, when you bringing that camera and your lovely self round again? xxx
User: HenryWilcox4/20/12report
Thanks hon xxxxx
User: Mrt9094/20/12report
Hey! Thanks so much for today. Also giddy and exhausted here, really catching up with me now - SO worth it though! xx
User: Messy Martin4/19/12report
thanks love xxx
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum WOTD gut gemacht liebe deine Bilder xxx
User: custardgirl4/19/12report
You're welcome! Brilliant shots you have a great talent xxxx
User: longarm694/18/12report
Congrats on WotD!! Brilliant work hon xxxxx
User: longarm694/18/12report
Hey hon yeah it is xx
Photo: ready4/17/12report
Super sexy shot yummm xxxxxx
amazing coverage xxxx
Gorgeous gorgeous arse! xxxx
Do I spy batter mix there babes? xxx
Mmmm how did I miss this before? Yummm xxxx
Thanks for the zentai comments hon - the vid will be out plus more pics a little later this month xxx
User: dboyyz4/14/12report
Thanks ade sexybum xxx cwtch xxxx
User: muckyade4/14/12report
www.lyingdowngame.net :P :P
Photo: lying down game (not planking!!) 4/13/12report
Thanks love :D xxxx
User: Clownsnap4/12/12report
thanks, it was a swimming costume :)
Big hugs xxxxxxx
User: scottishsplosher4/11/12report
thanks gorgeous :D xxxxx
Photo: in d/l store soon....4/11/12report
Thanks for an excellent day, haha xxxx
User: Messy Quinn4/10/12report
Congrats on WotD gorgeous! xxxxx
User: Wamchantelle4/10/12report
huh? where? xx
User: yamtree4/9/12report
Hahaa, not really, I might do tomorrow though xx
User: HenryWilcox4/8/12report
And thank you! was sooo brilliant xxx glad you're back ok xxx
User: muckyade4/7/12report
Me too! can't wait xx
User: muckyade4/6/12report
Thanks sexybum xxxxx
User: muckyade4/5/12report
Thank you, gorgeous! xxxx
User: Jayce4/5/12report
Thanks hon! xxx
User: Clownsnap4/5/12report
Hey I had great fun yes ;) ... will be pics up and vid on youtube probably tomorrow xxxx
User: MrMP4/3/12report
Oooh glad to hear it my lovely xxxx big kiss xxxx
User: MrMP4/3/12report
I'll tell you on Friday xxx
User: muckyade4/2/12report
lmao! xx
User: muckyade4/1/12report
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