Great site, Dixie !! "Oh i wish i was in the Land of Sploshin' " " Pie-ing Girls are not Forgotton" "Splosh Away, Dixie Girl"..You & ur friend JJ r Smokin' Hot !!
Hey Ariel, its Me, Moxie....Remember when I used to have that Crappy Web TV ?..well I'm still a subscriber to Wambabes , but I have a real PC now so I have a pretty popular You Tube Channel "Stoogettes4me" with 10 Uploads and counting...check it out...BTW, I STILL Wanna do a Custom Vid...This Time For Sure...
Say a Lot More, Waldorf...especially when you offered me a Great Compliment...Speaking of Keep it Coming..I just uploaded another one of my Original Vids on Youtube...check it out on my STOOGETTES4ME Channel