I watched on my phone so vertical video worked for me as well, but the ultra wide camera wasn't as good quality as the main camera, so when the camera man was zooming in and out, the quality would change, I don't know if there's an option to disable the ultra wide camera when filming.
It was one of the most passionate and real scenes I've seen.
I haven't tried the new style yet but I feel the old waistband is more iconic and recognisable. I hope the new one isn't more delicate as these are still expensive tights. I hope to get a pair of the new style so I can preserve my pair with the old waistband.
Nooooo! I can't even afford Wolford Pure 40 which I think are among the most expensive, I can't bear to see them ruined. Such a nice pic with a beautiful shine! I'd love to see them in black.
Love you, too
Photo: 01.my exquisite Wolford Pure40 still shine8/5/24report
Is that the neon 40 in black with the new waistband?
Gabby dunked in black tights! :love: :love: :love: :thumbsup: hopefully we see more black tights
Love you, too
Scene: The Plunga! Hannah Vs Gabby Round 27/26/24report
I don't think the powders you use make any difference in terms of clean up, I think the oil you use is what matters, natural oils are easily emulsified and broken down by detergents, but mineral oil or liquid paraffin used in baby oil is much harder to remove, this might be placebo but I think baby oil does produce a nicer shine compared to natural oils, Jon Stevens said he used baby oil in his trailer for silver people. I was worried that the thickness of my mixture would make it harder to wash compared to my past mehron mixes, but it can't out just as well with standard washing up liquid including my hair.
Love you, too
Photo: 100ml grapeseed oil mixed with 30g aluminium powde7/25/24report
I tried to do a visual comparison between this powder and mehron silver which I had left over, I put both powders on different fingers, it's very tough to tell, I think it's possible that this powder is finer than mehron which might be a bad thing as more of it could get absorbed into my bloodstream. I did feel itching after each session, I scratched my arms so much I think I got an infection as a result of it. I have tried contacting both mehron and graftobian for information on particle size, they wouldn't disclose it. I tried contacting a university for particle analysis, they wouldn't serve a private individual, the machines cost a bomb. Since this powder is cheaper, I was able to use a thicker mix then I've ever done with Mehron.
Love you, too
Photo: 100ml grapeseed oil mixed with 30g aluminium powde7/25/24report
How did you clean the inside of your vagina? Did you just leave it to naturally secrete itself out?
I think you probably know that by law in Japan, it's illegal to display genitals, I think the law also applies even if the works are sold outside of Japan.
Love you, too
Scene: Beautiful and Extremer Silver Paint of Yuu5/24/24report
The problem with shooting full hd or 4k with the gfx 100 ii is that the sensor is not fast enough to do a full readout and so pixels have to be discarded or lines skipped, alternatively there is an 8k crop mode, but then you negate the large sensor advantage. Although a shallow depth of field can be cool, the camera is constantly hunting focus. The GFX 100 is an amazing stills camera if you don't mind the 4:3 compared to 3:2 aspect ratio, but for video I'd rather use full frame which can oversample the entire sensor, and full frame lenses can go faster than f1.7 such as the 50mm 1.2 GM which is sharp wide open.
I like this one best, I like the custard coverage of the girl on the left, the girl on the right is really pretty and she looks like she's wearing white tights. I wonder if it would be possible for you to try swapping the white tights for black tights?
I wish this was available in 1080p at a higher bitrate
Love you, too
Scene: The Plunga! Christmas Special with Jenni and Katherine3/29/24report
I don't know how you rotate this picture, it was the right way up when I uploaded it
Love you, too
Photo: Cover picture of silver painted model2/24/24report
This is so beautiful! Love her painted teeth! My fantasy is to be chased after by her while I try and keep that paint away from me. The quality of the portrait orientation still photo is so high! I wish there were more behind the scenes still photos.
I read that red lipstick contains the chemical compound capsaicin which is heat compound in chilli, and the purpose is to irritate the lips to plump them up to make them look fuller. If any of it got in your eyes, that would be painful.
It's a shame that you can't get perfume free baby oil, I imagine that's what irritates the eyes. It's a shame as I feel that baby oil gives an appearance that is unmatched although I haven't tried canola oil myself. I have tried fractionated coconut oil.
Thank you so much for posting your photos, they are incredible! I hope you get the chance to try the silver mehron metallic powder. I look forward to more of what you get up to in future!
Wow what a photo! I had never seen this before and I've just seen it posted on tumblr so I think this must be new work. Paint is in her eyes and mouth!
I'd like to be a girl for a day, and get completely covered in silver or gold paint. Unfortunately that'll never happen.
I've been waiting so long to see someone do this although I wish there was a video and she would dunk her head in there. This must have cost a fortune!
I hope Jilly manages to do this one day we should all set up a fund and donate!
You look absolutely beautiful covered in silver I've literally fallen in love. I'd be grateful if you could upload a few more photos from this session, these photos are some of the best I've seen!