Hey not to be annoying, but since you apparently didn't get a message I had sent before, I just want to make sure communication is actually working properly when I send things as replies?
Decent but stupid busy with classwork unfortuantly, thus I haven't been on nearly enough myself. Still hoping we cant set up a mutual messy skype session though >_< CAn you beleive I havent done anything messy for 2 months myself? -leh sigh-
Also whooo you're not upset at me for some unforseeable reason whoo! Is it better to talk to you through here now or still email? Never seem to catch you on skype at least.
I feel like I've turned into one of those really annoying people, but we had a decent friendship going then suddenly poof. I dont know if my emails have jsut gotten lost admist the load you surely recieve or what, but I do hope you reconect with you and hope I am not being a bother.