DAMN! That is an inspirational sight for one, two or even more guys to pie themselves with. What a blast you must have had. If I was lucky enough to participate with you I hope we did it in the nude so that not one inch of our faces and bodies escaped a complete sliming. Especially with those gooey chocolate cream pies in our faces and up our asses.
WHAT! No one has commented on this for the past 16 months. How can you pass this beautiful shot w/o comment? Look at that large load of cream just hanging on to his face. The double tone texture slowly falling down off his features toward his chest, stomach and Gosh I know where. I'm surprised not seeing his two hands reaching up with cringed fingers to wipe away that goo. Naw, leave it on so we can enjoy this shot of your pie hole obliterated like this a lot, lot longer.
I'm surprised I haven't commented on this before. I love a pie in my face. I love seeing that pie rushing towards my pie hole and the warm smash I feel as it obliterates my pan as it smashes and swirls all over my features. Now I see your glorious ass and you are bending over. Those smooth, round butt cheeks are covered in mess and are now heading towards my face. Then darkness as I feel that magnificent channel and I swirl my face in it to lick and eat it out with my hot, eager tongue. YUM!!
What is this mess on your face? It looks good. Admit it kid, your face was made to wear such beautiful slop. PS. You have a very sexy neck. Your pie covered face really brings it out in the open.
What a beautiful shot. With a freshly smashed pie in your face I can imagine that thick load of cream hanging on to your features slowly fall off down your chest towards that huge erection saluting to yourself. Don't spoil this effect by wiping this creamy mess away. Just grab a big glob of it and shove it onto your waiting hard on and give its countenance the wonderful effect your face received.
You make a beautiful, what I call a 'pie statue'. I could easily see you standing in a public building with a table full of cream pies and visitors take a pie and smash them into your face, torso, crotch and ass(I mean arse) and add to your beauty. If you bring in friends and pie them too you can have a group statue.
Darn right! I love photos like this because your face will be plastered in that pie forever and ever. I can just hear you mumble, slurp and groan for air as you try to communicate to us about how beautiful you look in this position. Hopefully someone has just pulled down your trunks and pushed a great, big chocolate cream pie right into your naked ass, or arse. Hey, they only give you 500 characters to write these things.