deadmetal254: Shameless self promotion incoming! I would check our 'Table for Three''s a 3 girl scene in which, among other things, each girl gets 2 slimes and a bucket of syrup each. Unless you already own it, then just ignore this, lol.
Jayce: She says she looks like a nurse from Silent Hill in this pic, lol. She also said that it wasn't so much her arms, but her neck! From my end, I tell a nice with it because I love you and omfg grow your hair longer and thicker because holy shit it's sexy as fuck!
deadpool: LOL! While she loved watching Ellie get wrecked, she likes to be the center of attention more and therefore actually prefers to be the one getting messy.
Joe: Thank you kindly for the compliments and comparing us to some of the greats! While I can mix a good slime, our store would be nothing without the lovely Wife knowing how to take it all so well as you've mentioned!
I randomly told her friend a while back and she thought it sounded fun. So when the time came where I needed another person for this trivia idea, she was all for watching it in action.