Scene: Fantastic Shower with Black Pants and Shirt1/27/25report
Yes phil022002 same here. Sadly the organisers at that wetlooker location reduced their output and stopped using guy models 3 years back. I hope that changes.
On your superhot "Soak and repeat" photo album you put out the suggestion "maybe release the vid?". Please delete the "maybe" and replace with "will soon" ;-)
wettoddswl said why is he holding scissors.... well (sadly) he had just picked them up on exiting pool in order to destroy his outfit. An activity of which I do not approve :( although manually ripping (say) a shirt as a show of strength might be ok :-/
Photo: (see comment) set # sp49guys-set2 3/28/24report
More pics (guys + coeds) have been selected for deletion by mid-April unless more likes are forthcoming: