The beloved annual Christmas gala where the CEO wears his best tuxedo and gets pied and trashed by the Employee of the year is always a spectacle to see.
Video: December 2024--Holiday Tuxedo12/12/24report
The CEO was getting ready for the black tie event in his spiffy tuxedo. However, he noticed his stubble, prompting him to shave. Unfortunately, he accidentally sprayed the shaving cream all over his lapels and shirt. Despite the setback, he continued to try clean himself before the event.
His white bow tie? Creamed. His sash? Creamed. His patent leather dress shoes? Creamed. His entire white tie ensemble? C-R-E-A-M-E-D. The prince looked at the reason he was now covered in buttercream in disgust and anger. It was his fault. He came to see the royal wedding and the son of the president just had to make a big deal -in his eyes- about his title. Now, he would definitely make the headlines for sure. Along with the 'idiot' that caused this huge debacle.
Photo: you can't do that to a royal highness!7/8/23report
After the colossal ten-tier cake came crashing down, both descendants tried to get up without causing a scene. But it was far too late as the onlookers gasped in shock. The prince and president looked awful, clad in their now-buttercream covered white tails. Their bow ties crooked, jackets smeared, and dress shoes coated. Not to mention what their respective guardians would think. Both men tried to play it off but they knew there would be dire consequences that would follow after this action. And to think, it all started with a cake.
After the prince's 'lesson,' the son of the president was more than agitated. They had always been bitter rivals. He was so done with hearing from the prince. As the prince walked away, the president's son reached and tried to stop him, wanting to continue their little 'lesson.' However, the president's son had accidentally grabbed a glob of cake and when he placed his hand down on the prince's shoulder, he had smeared it. Both royalty and political descendants looked in shock "It was an accident! I swear!" The president's son pleaded. However, the prince took this the wrong way.
As the pie shattered and dripped onto his shirt, the employee pleaded for the comeuppance to end. The boss said he would stop... and that the employee was fired. Perhaps he should have kept his mouth shut instead of insulting the boss' extravagant-looking tie.
Perhaps he should had not said such things to his boss. The hotshot employee thought he had the upper hand in the conversation but the cherry pie to the face was a clear indicator that he might be fired.
"MY SUIT!" The model yelled and the painter didn't hold back a laugh, enjoying the stuck-up man's reaction. Wanting to torture him even more, the painter smeared more and more white paint on the suit, tarnishing it for the photo shoot.
The painter found this irritable and began to have an argument with the model, who haughtily refuted. Annoyed, the painter 'accidently' used his white roller and smeared it against the model's suit. Instantly, the model was appalled.
Arriving on the photo shoot earlier than planned, the model was notified that the painter was still working on the set. Being the snob he was, he didn't care enough to wait and sat on the upside bucket as a chair.
Photo: Muddawg's Jones New York that was originally for 11/11/22report
With his lovely partner at his side, he stood firm, ready for the business meeting to conduct. However, he was unaware of the true intentions. A splat to him and his partner came unexpected and he was astonished before seeing his handsome partner covered in cream. He thought the cream made him wonderful before their friend pied them again.
Video: 31st May 2019 Part 1--The Start11/11/22report
The class clown moaned as the rich cream and molten chocolate dripped onto his school uniform. His plan to enact chaos and escape as clean as can be failed. Though he did get a few good laughs in.
The class clown thought it would be funny to start a food fight on Pi Day and get away scot free as the cafeteria turned into chaos. He was sadly mistaken when the chocolate pie clobbered him in the face.
I find it very fitting for a snob like yourself. You probably flaunted your white suit, thinking you look marvelous before karma decided to inflict some damage.
Sick of what? Losing? No sir. That is your fate. To obey your master and suffer humiliation to the end of your servitude. I, personally, think it suits someone such as yourself.
I personally think it should be cold considering you lost another bet. Maybe the soaking directly in the underwear is clear indicator of how all your bets should/will go.
A spoiled well-dressed brat throwing a tantrum over creaming himself. Seems you can't take a simple humbling lesson. A much needed lesson for someone as arrogant as you.
Splashing into the pool, the water turned to a murky light brown. Even at the expense of his tuxedo, he was more than happy to bathe in the pool for the time being. Eventually, an erection occurred and he exposed his cock and slightly stroked it for the time being. Maybe getting dirty in a tuxedo was something that aroused him? Perhaps for the new year, he would indulge in this newfound like, for he did not know what was in store for him.
Photo: 16. Best way to end the evening!3/23/22report
Straighten his bow tie, he looked presentable again much to his relief. But he saw minor stains still and hated it. He figured he need a way to look clean, absolutely spotless. Then he remember the host had a pool...
Photo: 13. Time to clean up before fireworks by the pool3/23/22report
He was very thankful that the host allowed him to use his shower. Instantly, he was able to wash all of the muck off to the best of his ability. He rather be wet than messy in his tuxedo, even if it made him soaking.
As if, his tuxedo was enough for this cursed trashing, he had forgotten where he was stepping and, unintentionally, smeared slob over his dress shoes. A brief slip made him look down and became even more aghast with how the spotless shoes suffered the same fate as his tuxedo.
He hoped that his tuxedo wasn't beyond saving. Maybe he could salvage it. He decided to button his jacket in order to make sure no one saw his splattered appearance. It helped... but just a tad as his slacks were dirty, cream raked the lapels, and the visible part of his shirt was smothered, not to mention half of his bow tie was brown instead of black now.
His clumsiness was his downfall. He disregarded any his conscience said and planned to eat the trifle whole. But it fell, and now his tuxedo was a walking dessert with all the stains it had been succumbed to.
With a trifle in his hand, he contemplated having the dessert with his newfound appearance. He was worried what it would do to his tuxedo since he had lacked the proper etiquette for the formal party.
Things escalated rather quickly when he was hoping no one would notice his damaged tux. His lucky was only worse when he spilled an entire tray onto his lapels, shirt, and slacks. He was utterly disgusted and wished he had done those manner classes when he had the chance.
While he was dapper and sophisticated, his table manners were not. He dripped a spoonful of dessert he was eating onto his tuxedo, staining the shirt and slacks. He looked down, horrified to the point he dropped his spoon onto his lap, making it brown too.
Looking at dress shoes, he gushed over them and how spotless they looked. He had shined them in advance for this event and was hoping to knock people dead when he walked into the party.
All dressed up, he was ready to attend the event. With his best tuxedo, he declared he would look the best in the room and have everyone gushing over his dapper appearance.
Photo: 01. All dressed in my handsome tux for the night a3/23/22report
He had forgotten to give his master a present, so when his master and his friends offer him a treat, he was more than delighted for one. Unfortunately, his treat was no more than a joke and as an act of discipline as he poured the rich custard down his head and suit. But at the same time, he was giving his master a great birthday present.
The lengths he went through for his position were worth as he heard the word, "hired," in the sentence. He was relieved at getting a WAM master for himself but at the cost of his own suit. Nonetheless, his master told him he would have more suits for him. Whether that was good or bad, only time will tell.
The chefs finally let their anger go and bid the boss a good day. The boss was in horror of what he had endured (even if the last one was his own doing). The pastry had ruined his own red dress shirt, black vest, slacks, plaid tie, and black dress shoes. He looked utterly sloppy, showing the consequence of overworking chefs in a bakery while dressed nicely.
As the pastry ran down his attire, he was feeling humiliated with the impact. He had a nice dinner tonight but now he was covered with crust and cream. Shock was evident in his mannerism as he breathe heavily while getting the contents of his face and body.
While being pied, he found it utterly humiliating that his staff was revolting against him. He adjusted his tie to best of his ability. Not before long, a pie was presented in his hand and the boss just gulped at what he had to do.
He wasn't the most fair boss. He constantly ignored his chef's complaints and kept them working day after day without a break. One day, he arrived and his staff had enough of his ignorance. One chef hurled a pie, hitting him in his face, much made him gasp in shock at the act.
As a rite of passage on his (however old) birthday, he had to take a shower in his tuxedo. While he didn't fully agree with the custom, his father and his father's father did so, now it was his turn. Entering the shower, the water hit his dapper tuxedo, drenching it completely. And strangely enough, he grew aroused with the drenched tux. He even went as far as to squirt shampoo onto himself, getting it all nice and soapy for his growing pleasure.
He was invited to the rodeo but had no western attire to go in. He decided to just go in his best and wear a cowboy hat. When he entered, he saw some sort of pie contest. He was immediately interested and went over to the booth. The moment he sat down, pies were trained on him much to his confusion. Unfortunately he did not read the sign fully, as it was a "Pie Throwing Contest," and he was the target.
He thought he could at least save his jacket from the onslaught so he removed it. But the clean parts of his dress shirt were revealed and his friend plastered them as he found them too clean for his taste.
While he did admit he was quite trashed, the politician gave the pies a taste. Overall, he thought they were good, minus the fact he was hit nonstop with the pastry.
As if one pie wasn't politician began to receive more of his just deserts. Pies after pies kept making contact with his face and he was not impressed what his friend was doing with them.
He had a meeting right after his get together with his friend so he obviously got dressed in one of his favorite suits. But the moment he saw the plastic wrapping around the room, he immediately took back the idea. The politician was immediately sat down and plowed head first into his first pie.
The waiter had secretly slipped a spoonful of pudding in his suit pocket. Needless to say, the gentleman found it odd and yet so arousing at the same time. Seeing as the shower had only dampened the mess, he decided to just go ahead a drop it all over his former dapper tie.
After his humiliating trashing, he left the restaurant and went home. When he got home, he rushed to the shower and washed off the mess to the best of his ability. But it only grew is erotic behavior and soon began to love the feeling of water rush down his suit.
The gentleman began to rub all the contents all over his body. From his shirt to his jacket, down his slacks, and over his socks and loafers. All while his erection was showing. The waiter secretly found the sight quite arousing himself as he continued to trash his dashing suit.
The gentlemen soon found himself aroused. The bulge in his dirty slacks had grown to the point he could no longer hide it. So he released his erotic urges and began to play with it in public, not caring who was looking at him.
The waiter watched in amusement as the suited gentleman continued to trash his wonderful suit. It served him right for being so arrogant throughout the meal.
He became immediately depressed as he continued trash his suit. The waiter then 'recommended' to smear some ice cream along his loafers to shine them. The suited man thought about and decided to do it, perhaps cream would make everyone draw attention to his shoes rather than his suit.
He instantly thought of covering up the stain. The waiter, thinking to humiliate him, insisted on using sludge for covering it up. He immediately smeared it onto his dress shirt, but soon realized that he was trashing his 'oh-so' perfect suit.
Dapper. Suave. Exquisite. That's what he thought when was dressed in his best. Unfortunately he was rather cocky and spilled a small stain on his dress shirt. He became infuriated with what the stain did to his tie as well, as he considered it one of his best accessories.
As pies weren't enough for the arrogant man, the waiter took a carton of batter and poured it down his head before flowing right onto his suit. Using all the batter, the waiter took his leave to get the last pie. The suited man was more than appalled as the batter dripped onto his expensive suit. It would take a miracle for to get that out!
The waiter was more than happy when the vain suited man asked for pies for dessert. Upon his first delivery, the suited man got a mouthful of cream and crust. The second pie, he was taken aback by the repeated action. The third pie had creamed his suit, covering it in pie splatter. During the fourth one, he merely sat there in a thinking position as he got a chocolate cream pie surprise that, ultimately trashed his suit. Maybe next time, he wouldn't be so vain to the people who bring him food
Video: Composite of Chet Pieguy Vids with Sound10/3/21report
After attempting to do a prom proposal, he got rejected, unfortunately. But he had forgotten that he had other things staged in the chance of his crush saying yes. So the shaving cream went off and got on his tux before getting blinded and smashing chest first into the cake. He simply shrugged and drank his champagne.
The gentlemen had lost his patent leather dress shoe in a mud puddle during a pleasant stroll in the woods. After all, no matter where he went, he loved to look his best. He was both relived and worried for his dress shoe when he found it, covered in mud inside and out.
He loved his patent leather dress shoes. Every time he wore them, such a powerful sensation came over him. He often found his pairs with "white cream" all over them, which may have came for the sensation
The CEO was trying to map out a new building for his company. He clearly dressed his best with his favorite pair of patent leather dress shoes, but failed to take into the account of a mud puddle and began to muck them up as he tried to free them.
Now fully out of the lake, the prince's whole outfit was revealed. The water had made his entire appearance dripping, but he couldn't help find this feeling of being wet arousing.
Finally down with his "splashing," the prince arose. With his pristine tuxedo now wet and damp, he did his best to straighten his outfit the best he could.
After the unexplainable urge of wanting to jump in the lake, the prince raised his shoe from the water. The slacks were soggy, his sheers were damp, and lake water had entered his favorite pair of patent leather dress shoes. Needless to say, he hoped it did not get worse.
The unfortunately "dive" had him take his tuxedo for a small "splash." After the water settled, he rose his legs to the surface, exposing his formerly shiny patent leather dress shoes now dripping in the dirty lake water.
The prince soon found the strength to stand, and was shocked at what become of his dapper tuxedo. Smears of mud had appeared onto his formerly pristine white tuxedo shirt and vest. He wasn't utterly humiliated as no one had caught him in the act
As the water hit his tuxedo, he realized he would need to get everything clean. He started at one of his favorite accessories: the sheer socks and patent leather loafers. He couldn't help but be aroused as the liquid struck those parts, making the shoes even shinier than before.
After flaunting near the lake, an accidental slip caused the prince to take a "swim" in the lake. After flailing around and emerging from the body of water, the prince's dashing tuxedo became a soggy, moppy mess. He was glad the tuxedo didn't get a smear of mud, though.
The prince discovered that the dry cleaners wouldn't be enough for his favorite tuxedo. So he took the liberty to wash it himself in the shower. All dressed up as well.
The businessman was being an absolute snob at the meal. So it was only natural for the waiter to get even by batter him in brown gravy. The man didn't mind, rather enjoying his meal all over himself.
Photo: I've got my priorities sorted :D9/21/21report
No matter how cute you look with your lingerie, the minute you cover yourself with pies makes the video hotter! Perhaps next time, you plow one into your chest and become aghast. Someone clearly needs to hit you pies ;-) :thumbsup: