His white bow tie? Creamed. His sash? Creamed. His patent leather dress shoes? Creamed. His entire white tie ensemble? C-R-E-A-M-E-D. The prince looked at the reason he was now covered in buttercream in disgust and anger. It was his fault. He came to see the royal wedding and the son of the president just had to make a big deal -in his eyes- about his title. Now, he would definitely make the headlines for sure. Along with the 'idiot' that caused this huge debacle.
SethJambaPhoto: you can't do that to a royal highness!7/8/23report
After the colossal ten-tier cake came crashing down, both descendants tried to get up without causing a scene. But it was far too late as the onlookers gasped in shock. The prince and president looked awful, clad in their now-buttercream covered white tails. Their bow ties crooked, jackets smeared, and dress shoes coated. Not to mention what their respective guardians would think. Both men tried to play it off but they knew there would be dire consequences that would follow after this action. And to think, it all started with a cake.
After the prince's 'lesson,' the son of the president was more than agitated. They had always been bitter rivals. He was so done with hearing from the prince. As the prince walked away, the president's son reached and tried to stop him, wanting to continue their little 'lesson.' However, the president's son had accidentally grabbed a glob of cake and when he placed his hand down on the prince's shoulder, he had smeared it. Both royalty and political descendants looked in shock "It was an accident! I swear!" The president's son pleaded. However, the prince took this the wrong way.
This must be from the upcoming film adaptation of "Red Hot & Royal Blue" - I hope they stay true to the cake catastrophe scene. It looks like they might! :-)
gtreat find.
here is the video too