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Trailer from Suitably Slimed 2
"Luke Hardy repeatedly gunged in a full suit, every layer, and then nude!"
Added 4/26/19
65,357 plays
Tagged male
Fit and muscly Luke Hardy has never been in a gunge tank before--but that's about to change. In a gorgeous well fitted suit, including black jacket, silver shirt, belt, undies, trousers, black socks and black dress shoes Luke is gunged repeatedly with thick white slime. He's my guinea pig for testing my new Gunginator 5000000 which performs multiple repeat slimings and has the ability to do a super long extended pour! The aim is to see how saturated we can get him with multiple gungings of each layer of clothing, including holding trousers and boxer shorts open to fill them up with slime. Luke is gradually stripping clothes off as each layer gets full and heavy with gunge, before a couple of extra gungings fully nude. Luke really enjoyed himself and loved the feeling of the gunge. Includes bonus overhead cam footage.