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Trailer from Swimsuit and Hi Viz Rain Wear and Welly Filling
Added 3/25/20
32,284 plays
Tagged female
Cinqgirlracer is wearing a Slazenger navy full swimsuit the scene begins with her filling up the front of the suit with some white thick slime. Its not long till its running down inside and exits out of both the legs. The slime is cold. Sougoula then steps in to fill up the back of the suit (More training needed)! Cinq sits down and puts on the Hi Viz waterproof trousers over the messy swimsuit then carefully fills each shiny black welly with the cold white gloop. She tucks in the bottom of the trousers and puts her bare foot in the filled welly one at a time the gloop flows out over the top she says how heavy and filled they are. When she puts the jacket on she asks Sougoula to fill up the hood for her which she pulls quickly over her clean face and hair and it runs down out the hood. The rest of the bucket is poured over her with the hood up and then a bright yellow pie to the face and a pie sandwich!
The scene cuts to the floor where she is coated in the rain suit in mess she takes the wellies off and pours the contence over her head and face and plays in the mess slowly she removes the jacket and trousers and swimsuit and ends up totally naked apart from the messy wellies which she has fun with her pussy in the mess.
Thank you to Shinyrainwear for the suit.
This scene include a video of Cinq putting on the rain suit and wellies in the bedroom, two zip files of photos and a free trailer from another "voyeur" view.