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Trailer from Chastity's Clothes Filling
"Our gardener has her shirt and trousers thoroughly filled!"
Added 12/28/15
22,056 plays
Tagged female
Dressed in dark blue combats, black wellies, and a baggy black short-sleeved shirt, Chastity has her entire outfit comprehensively filled and then covered in goo, at the hands of Lady A.
First, her shirt is well filled with custard, until we can see the pool of it gathering around her waist. Then she has a pie splattered across the front of her trousers (after she's inspected and approved the pie), and then a full bottle of lemonade is poured into her trousers. A pie to her bum comes next, splattered across the still-clean trousers and then mashed in, and that's followed by a full bottle of lemonade into her shirt.
Her trousers are now wet but not so messy inside, so now she has the waistband pulled out, allowing all the mixed mess trapped round her waist to drop down into her wet trouser legs. After that it's pie-sitting time, and squelch! down she goes into a nice gooey concoction.
Now that Chastity is sitting comfortably, enjoying the mashed mess under her bottom, Lady A sets about the outside of Chastity's outfit, starting with custard poured all over her shirt, from where it floods down to drench the trunk of her trousers completely.
Once the front of her outfit has been thoroughly coated in custard, Chastity lies down on the floor and has her back done too, starting with her botom, then down her legs, and finally having her shirt coated too.
And now, with her entire outfit completely drenched in mess, it's shampoo time, and Chastity's hair succumbs to a steady tide of golden syrup.
To finish off, Chastity gets a fresh drenching with lemonade, and then gets hosed down.
Technical: Due to crew chatter, etc, the videos are silent.