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Trailer from Tar Gungetank Gunging 1
"Gameshow where you can gamble for 300.000 but get covered in cement or tar!"
Added 11/23/14
114,339 plays
Tagged female
New gameshow called "You shouldn't be so greedy" where contestant can gamble for £300.000 pounds as Roxy did with an A or B question but if wrong get gunged but with a twist, 2 out of 10 gungings contain deadly gungings either pretend cement or tar and the contestant won't know until the gunge is released, unlike cement or fortune and roxy is unlucky as she get's the pretend tar.
Based on if anybody remembers the Noel's House party ghost train and losing contestant would go through the ghost train finishing at the fireplace and wondering if there going to get normal gunge or deadly gunge. Ha ha ha! No in tank cam as camera holder broke as roxy went in, but used it instead to film second far view to side of main camera. will have a new one for the next video.