Trailer from Muddy Heather Vol: 2
"Muddy Belly Flop!!"
Added 7/27/10
23,196 plays
Tagged female
This clip features Heather Blake in short jean shorts and a white, wet (somewhat see-thru) t-shirt. She slowly makes her way out into the thick, gluey mud where she gradually sinks up to her shoulders. She then turns around and makes her way through some more mud and slooooowly gets up onto the bank behind her. You can see her muddy butt squirming around as she tries to move in the gooey, sucking mud. She climbs up on the bank, turns around and does a belly flop back into the mud! Sticky mud flies everywhere! Heather gets muddy up to her chin as she lolls around in the squishy black mud. The scene ends as she tries to make her way back to the shore. This was a fun scene to shoot and I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did making it!
This scene was shot in high-def and has excellent clarity.