Jennifer's Monochrome Mess
"Because sometimes getting messy really is a simple case of black and white!"
Added 3/20/14
2,933 plays
Tagged female
This session is my first, and so far only, completely impromptu messing. I just couldn't stand being clean a moment longer! So out I went and quickly purchased a few cans of shaving foam to have some fun with. I quickly got all dressed up in my newest office outfit (I blame the Moomins for that little obsession!), a tight black blouse, black and white houndstooth mini skirt and, of course, the black opaque pantyhose. To match my monochrome outfit, I made the foam slime black and white too--or at least as black as you can make shaving foam (which isn't much at all)! Two full buckets of foam slime straight over the head. No wiping away the gunge, no clean off--full head immersion from the get go. I massage the slime all over my body and clothes but the head remains untouched throughout.