Trailer from Messy Ransom
"Danielle tricks Star into being messy on camera"
Added 8/31/14
13,517 plays
Tagged female
Danielle is eating a cupcake she found in the kitchen when Star walks in and scolds her--those cupcakes were meant for the boy she likes. Danielle rolls her eyes and tries to talk Star into eating one as well, they're really good (besides, there's no way that guy would ever go for Star over her). Star decides that 4 cupcakes will look better than 5 and tries one. Danielle teases her, saying that she heard Star's crush likes watching girls eat messy foods. She talks Star into eating her cupcake suggestively, egging her on until her face is smeared with frosting. Danielle begins to film Star as she gets more and more silly with the cupcakes, smearing them between her breasts as well. Star thinks that Danielle is just joking around, but when the cupcakes are gone Danielle runs out on an errand--to show Star's crush the goofy video.