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Trailer from Pies In Her Eyes
"Four sloppy custard pies, four messy shaving foam pies--splat!"
Added 4/18/17
18,387 plays
Tagged female
What's more humiliating and messy than getting a big sloppy custard pie to the face? Being made to deliver a pie to your own face, of course! And what's better than one pie? Eight pies!
90s kid Mog Anarchy, adorned in the T-shirt of one of her childhood favourite gunge gameshows, Fun House; is sitting alone in the bathtub, completley surrounded by pies. Four are made up of gloopy shaving foam and four are made of a thick, yellow "custard" slop.
Nervously, Mog administers pie after pie to her face, splat, splat, splat! We even include some slow-motion action replays so you can see the slop splatter everywhere! And once all eight pies are exhausted, Mog makes herself another from the leftover mess and smears it all over herself, from head to toe. What a mess!