Trailer from Cum to the Clay
"And cum to clay-covered men!"
Added 5/30/24
2,221 plays
Tagged male explicit
Cum to the Clay... and cum to the messy fun of MuddyBuck and MudMuscle enjoying themselves in this nearly hour-long full-on mud-sex video! The fun begins when MudMuscle plunges MuddyBuck into the clay transforming him into the Mudbeast he loves to be. MudMuscle can't resist his urges and soon follows suit. Things only get better from there as the two clay-covered men give themselves over to the erotic pleasures of the clay. They hump, they plunge, they roll, they submerge, they dunk, they suck, they 69, the mud-kiss, and yes, they mud-fuck, again and again and again. These are two horny Mud-Beasts Clay-Creatures!