Clay Gunge and Masturbation
Added 2/15/17
3,676 plays
Tagged male explicit
So I was alone in the house and I was already verry bored of shaving cream gunge all the time so I took a little step foward for this valentines day and got myself 6 blocks of clay who got diluted into a 10 liter bucket, and quite seriously was a bitch to dilute all that lol, Unfortunetly the clay was in the middle ground beteween creamy and watery and not just creamy so the gunge itself was abit too much watery for my taste, but it made a really nice mess.
I start by head dunking into the bucket and after a couple head dunks I pour the creamy clay on my head making a mess as I masturbate, and play with my anus until I cum hard. And for the end I finish it up by pouring the rest that is left in the bucket. Was really really fun to gunge in clay but damn. The sand from those clay blocks really got everywhere when I dunked my head, eyes, mouth, nouse, ears. Reasons why I had to turn on the shower to be able to take some sand off my eyes cus I coudn't see.
Hope you all like it!