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Trailer from Madison In Tar
"Hello Darkness My Old Friend."
Added 12/4/24
1,888 plays
Tagged female
In this scene, I wear a skin colored bodysuit and enjoy an ultra sticky tar substance. This stuff is truly sticky, heavily pigmented, and it absolutely ruins my hair and outfit! It was cold and thick at first, and after my first head dunk, I realized this was gonna be a lot of fun. I didn't expect it to be so thick and sticky, and the more I covered my head and body, the more it turned me on. It doesn't take me long to turn my mannequin bodysuit into a shiny sludge monster, slathering handfuls all over my face and letting it drip down my body. I lather it in as best I can, and as it warms up, it gets even stickier. I totally cover my head and face, mashing it up and in my nose, filling my mouth and playfully gasping as the foul mix is forced inside me. As the scene ends, I add a bit of white paint to mix in with the jet black tar, and lather it in, making a greyish marbled mess. I had a serious amount of fun with this substance, it was like liquid rubber, pulling and stretching, sticking and oozing all over. The only downside was that it took hours to wash out of my hair lol. But totally worth it! <3.