I've been aching to get messy in some moto gear, and my old helmet is just perfect for it. She's protected me, so its my turn to give her a proper send off wam style. With an open visor, I flood the helmet with black sludge, and let it slowly ooze and creep deeper into the helmet. It runs slowly down my face and neck, making its way down my shirt. The cold thick goo coats everything inside, running into my mouth and nose. The feeling is totally amazing, something I've never experienced before. I wanted to take it a step further, so some big fluffy pies help seal me inside the helmet. Closing the visor squishes everything deeper, into every open space. It instantly shoots up my nose, and gasping playfully for air turns me on like never before. I can't get enough, and load up with more pies, while I play with myself. I strip the saturated helmet off, revealing my still clean copper hair. But after some irresistible face dunking, we fix that for good. Over and over I slam my face into the bowl of black gunge and revel in the sensation of taking mouthful after mouthful. Add a few more pies, even more black goo, and we have a full on messy session to remember. I close out the scene with a nice pouring of the leftover slop all over my head.