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Trailer from SS265 Scene 2 HD Edit: Super Shelly To The Rescue!
Added 5/18/22
14,101 plays
Tagged female
Our damsel-in-distress is "rescued" by Super Shelly and her life is way worse! Hilariously edited scene with Shelly playing both roles and getting 3 slimes+ 13 pies + goofy bondage "thanks" to our hero! Complete edited scenes plus bonus Outtakes and an "extended" ending with still more Shelly mess!
It's a different take on "inequality" as Shelly takes on two roles! (And not for the first time either... ) Super Shelly is the kind of oblivious superhero who shows up and makes everything way worse... as our poor damsel discovers to the tune of "Super Sludge" chocolate slime, vintage messy pies (some shaving cream!), and even more slime! There's a reason why I didn't bother editing this one in 2014 (Spoiler: It took a ton of time... ) but the final result is genuinely hilarious in a way that makes me happy. It also confirms that Shelly, while underappreciated, was one of the absolute greats: Not only did she get genuinely hogtied (in our most realistic bondage bit ever, even played for laughs) and then covered in mess, but she also found time to do her famous "Clumsy Bowl Gag" (twice!) for no real reason... And all this after shooting the Super Shelly pick-ups... And she was still smiling and goofing around after all that!