Don't ask me how I got roped into this because savory messes are something I have always found a little... unsavory. Yet there I was, tied up and unable to do anything to stop the onslaught of yuck about to pour down over me. It began with spaghetti. It pelted me in warm squishy clumps. At first, it wasn't too bad. It wasn't too different from cake, but then came the sauce. Marinara fell over me like a cold tomato scented waterfall. The smell was overpowering. Just when I was tying to think of a way to free myself it hit me. The it being a gallon of baked beans. That was the final straw. I freed my hands from their restraints, but before I could even remove my blindfolding goggles I got smacked by mashed potatoes. The warm starch flew at me, sending bits of potato everywhere. Confident my assailant was all out of arsenal, I removed my goggles to reveal the mess I was sitting in. Not going to lie. It was gross. The smell, the look, not my style, but the texture had me thinking second thoughts. I was torn in a mix between being turned on and grossed out at the same time. It my inner wammer was calling and I needed to get more off this on me for some reason.