12 Tortilla Whipped Cream Pie Payment
Added 11/11/18
777 plays
Tagged male
Spin for a pie payment, I owed 14, but the new whipped cream style barely made 12 tortilla based pies. I tried Reddi-whip almond milk whipped cream, which had some major pluses: 1. no post-play sour milk smell. 2. The whipped cream didn't start to "melt" as soon as it was sprayed. 3. Coconut oil is relatively high on the ingredients list, and that's supposed to be a good conditioner for both skin and hair. The one down side is that 4 cans barely made 12 pies, which was enough for coverage, but not enough for extra runoff to play in, If I had used full size shells, it would probably be 2 pies per can. All things considered, I will definitely use it again. Wore a tee, open button down shirt and skirt, bare feet, concentrated mostly on face and hair, but got front of clothes fully covered as well.