So I decided to go take a dip beside the road in this Beautiful creamy tidal mud. Here's the kicker I had to not only set up a camera on a bright colored tripod with a light on it. I also had to walk a good 5 minutes down the road covered in this almost black colored mud. Dripping all over the road. There was a jogger who ran by twice and a car that went by on camera. There were actually three cars that went by but I didn't record them. Before I got too deep of course I drew a smiley face on my torso.
I sank under and got absolutely covered in this dark mud. Really good on my skin. I came under the mud too. (IT Was Amazing) You'll also have a full clean up scene included. Clean up includes a bucket rinse with a full shower video. I'm getting better at filming those. You get that for the price of the mud video content itself. (Trailer is in 14k bitrate and the video is in 20k bitrate)