He said all that he wanted to do was show off his slimy body for you goons. So look at him and all his gross glory. He demanded that the video be free. You're welcome.
This video set to music and there are very minimal noises of the goop used only because this dipshit had nothing else other than a shit phone to record his fun. The ssound quality was absolute doo doo but the video was top tier... just good enough to share. The music can accentuate all the fun if you let it. Trust me it'll grow on you... cling to you even, like the lard on this psychopath's naked smooth jiggly body.
Look how much he enjoys it. Look how much he doesn't give a fuck who sees his transformation. His buddy let him have an almost full drum of Krisskkkkkkkoooo and he hopes to god that's all that's in here. He loses his shit. Enjoy.