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Trailer from Lowered into Giant Cold Slime Tanks The Vat Aiden Vs Josh
Added 11/21/20
14,342 plays
Tagged male
December Discount 20% off this scene. Also available as a discounted 6-scene bundle
It's that time again for another visit to The Vat. This time we've got these two cute guys Aiden and Josh. Hosted by Paddy they play Slime Mime, Paddy mimes an action or thing and the guys have to guess what it is. If they guess correctly their opponent gets lowered gradually into their tank of deep, cold slime. Then lifted back out to show off how slimy they are!
With each dunking they get lower and lower until they reach their shoulders where they get a bucket of cold slime released over their heads! After that we keep playing to get both guys covered... getting them to dunk their heads in, sploodge some gunk into their face before finally getting them out and washing them off.
Aiden is wearing black skinny jeans with a green tee and brown dress shoes while Josh has on a plain white Reserved shirt and light blue spray-on Topman jeans with black trainers.
This includes 4k and hd versions. Runtime 26 mins.