Holy Shit
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Producer: The Goonimal
Added 2/14/22
14,181 plays
Keywords: gooey  mud  slime  deep
Tagged male explicit
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Swallow enough mud and ask it for what you want and it'll slide down your throat and turn into beefy fucking muscle like some real life swamp witchcraft shit.

I have never experienced anything like it. This time all the muscle faded away like a saline injection afterwards but I have a feeling it might become permanent if I let it stay too long...

Then again... I kind of want it to. I have never had the urge to lift and get beefy until I looked down and saw some huge glorious pecs coated in slime and a power belly I couldn't stop jiggling.

I was jacking off thinking of some bodybuilders and all of a sudden, I started changing. I didn't stay too long and came in minutes because I was afraid that if I let the gooey muscle spread even more, then I wouldn't be able to get out.

Now I'm resisting the urge to go back to the mud pit and wallow deep but imagine what I'd become if I did.
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