I love wet inflated down jackets, long down coats, down suits, polyester jackets, microfaser jackets, long microfaser coats, down sleeping bags and do bathing with it and handwash this clothes into the bathtub
very good your pictures of jackets is wet and inflated clothes, I have a YouTube channel just for inflation the channel is maick or looking for inflate pants
I had read about over 15 years ago in old forums that a few winter clothed fetishists like to bath fully winter clothed after on the evening after ski tours or after the work in own hot tub/jacuzzi or swimming pools in the 1980th/1990th years. They liked the wet very puffy/inflated feeling and seeing of the very big hooded expedition down parkas, pants and suits but also ski overalls/snowmobile suits. The 1980/1990er vintage very fat down clothes can inflated sooo good around the upper body...