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19 days ago
Time here:
15 years
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gbm 5.7 175lbs 40c 34w 14ceps into wrestling and bondage and of course sinking. Love the idea of tricking tarzan or some other hero to chase me into an unknown area and they become trapped and mired down in some inescapable substance. Loin clots, speedo, bikinis, jocks, posing straps, gstrings or naked. Love to see guys sink wearing very little or if they are in shorts -- they get sucked off as the labor to escape the clutches of the mire that has hold on them.

Hit me up for into or to just chat. Have some mud vids and mud wrestling vids i can share but alas none of me sinking yet. Hope to change that soon!
friended 2/25/19
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friended 12/24/20
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since 1/10/12
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