i did that in my tub of this stuff video, the first one i released. not the masturbation one :) the giant tub of mystery substance! i got in and at the end poured hot pink all over me!
Love you, too
JaycePhoto: #3: The Terrible Tanning Treatment8/23/15report
Why not both?
Submerge in one color, then have a different color poured on you.
Love you, too
deadpoolPhoto: #3: The Terrible Tanning Treatment8/23/15report
now, THAT deadpool is up for debate. being poured on is totally different than submerging. i would have to say submerging is more fun. pouring is fun because you get to see the color ripple of each new color because it is like a tiger slug when they mate, the colors just wrap around eachtoher!!! it is amazing what it does. the submerging plays into my deafening type fetish. completely encased. :D mmmmmm
Love you, too
JaycePhoto: #3: The Terrible Tanning Treatment8/23/15report
So the mystery substance is better poured on you, rather than you submerging in it?
I never knew.
You look like you're having more fun this way. ^____^
Love you, too
deadpoolPhoto: #3: The Terrible Tanning Treatment8/23/15report
this has to be one of my all time hardest prep and most fucking brilliant feeling/looking sets! ONE of them! mannn i looooove the mystery substance in this form! beautiful. it will never leave your skin. it just keeps piling on!!!
Love you, too
JaycePhoto: #3: The Terrible Tanning Treatment8/23/15report
check out jillys new vid to see this stuff in action!! i wont be releasing this until next week sometime :) as long as we have power! yeeesh! it is a blizzard!
i cannot even felt escribe how amazing this was. it felt INCREDIBLE! i cannot wait to do this again!!! i will release this probably next week. :) jillys mallow stuff is the shizz! i love my mystery substance, still but this stuff is an incredible new experience!!! beautiful!