Ive always felt weird about mimes. Itd the no talking AND white face paint w the strips. Not scared of clowns (minus now w those videos of scary clowns chasing people, I'm not scared of the scary clown more of a real fear it might not be a park but an actual serial killer) but I have to say this mime look makes me def think about other things than feeling uncomfortable in a great away! All though now I'm more worried I'll associate this idea when I see them and get uncomfortable in other ways. Kinda like when I'm in the cake isle at grocery store I used to get a quarter hard and then would have to leave the store in embarrassment
fuck yes!~<3 you know, Jayce, if i couldve joined you i so wouldve~<3 heehee, hopefully you dont mind having sex with male people whilst being messy, because i wouldve LOVED to have you cover and coat me in that silver, gold or copper paint from head to toe, my eyes covered and a mouthful of paint too~<3 (dont worry, i practice safe sex ^^')