You really are amazing. Not only do I love your lovely face and bum getting caked, but I love the decor of your space. The 70's jukebox and the posters for the two 3D 70's sexploitation classics are just perfect. Have you seen either of them? Hard Candy is a bit of a bore (and we couldn't get the 3D to work on the print we tracked down) but The Playmates is an absolute hoot!
"I am also curious about bondage ..... mixed with WAM" Bondage & WAM were made for each other! Nothing better than the "damsel in distress", handcuffed, ball-gagged, maybe even blindfolded, already humiliated, getting very messy and blushing with embarrassment! 8-D
I love the resigned look on your face! Kind of like Jodie Foster in "Bugsy Malone" when she gets pied and says, "So this is show business?" That's the caption I'd put on this pic! :loveeyes: