WT and Kate, congrats on WOTD! Thank you for all the wonderful things you make and share with us. I know it's a lot of work, but my god, it's wonderful! Living my dream. :love:
Maybe because it feels so wrong but so right? I always get nervous even if I know it's coming. Either way your surprised actions are the best, keep it up gurrlll!
the anticipation at this moment gets me so horny - omg Kate is just :loveeyes: the best!
Absolutely love the complete dress, jewelry and shoes..
and with WildThang just visible enough on the edge to signal that :splosh: :splosh: :splosh: is imminent :D :thumbsup:
Kind of.... And I do mean kind of.... Just reminds me a little bit of Cybill Shepherd in the Moonlighting series. And I truly have to say seeing her get blasted with a cream pie in the face wearing that low cut french made outfit... Gave me all kinds of "moist" dreams of the moisty nature.... Nudge, nudge, wink wink... A nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat... Say no more, say no more...
Seriously.... I really like this picture.
I don't know what it is about Hooters girls but it is been on my bucket list for a while now to be pied by every single Hooters girl on that particular shift, all at the same time. And trust You me when I finally make it happen you guys will be the first to see the video uploaded. :D
I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't just put my face down in that pink cream pie if she was right in front of me with that look on her face. :) :) :) :) :)
Kate, I think you look fantastic with your hair longer. Although, I must say, I have wondered how long it took to clean it after your last messiness. LOL! :D :kiss: :love: