Yes, Bigshipper. That is a work of art. But you and Mrs. Bee have done some fine work, too. I'm still waiting for the four of you to get together and have a Cecil B. DeMille epic-type showdown. It could be called Kate and "the Mrs." with a cast of thousands, pies and cakes that is. HaHa! Throw in Throw in 100 gallons, each, of chocolate cake batter, brownie batter and Hershey's syrup to top it off. That would be epic!
:D :thumbsup: :love:
Somehow I missed the latest picture gallery of upcoming vids until now...and I must say it's amazing when even mere pictures can capture why this is one of the best stores on UMD.
Thanks for the heads-up, Wild Thang. I guess, I will just have to be patient. LOL!
On my 40th birthday, I dumped a bucket of Hershey's chocolate syrup over a friend's head. She was going to "get" me. But she made the mistake of telling a friend, who in turn, told me. Seeing this photo brought back good memories. LOL! :love: