I mean, yes! But we sit on a rock, look beautiful, and the sailors who wreck their ships trying to catch us maybe shouldn't have sailed directly into the rocks?
I took a ton of landscape and sunset pics with this set... although only a few like that get posted, to set the scene for the wamfun. I love seeing those in other sets, but I could walk a mile trail without water or mud and still end up taking a hundred pics... :loveeyes:
Photo: 03-50 One under, on to the next!9/10/24report
I love the way one step shifts things underwater, and bubbles escape from the mire! I didn't notice the ones coming from inside the boot until I was going to name the pic!. :D
Photo: 03-44 So many shells in this one spot9/10/24report
It's much easier to wade upstream - the silt and sand you kick up is more likely to cloud where you were than were you were going. Today, I went the correct direction. The day I took these... not so much! x-D
I couldn't believe how big that clam was! All these tiny little clamshells, and that dude is just ginormous! He closed while I was getting the camera ready... guess he was a little shy! :loveeyes:
The biggest problem with being a giantess, is knee high boots (like these) aren't quite knee high... and over-the-knee means knee high... and so on! I probably need to find some crotch high ones to get true thigh highs! x-D
Photo: 03-53 And then the battery died... the end!9/10/24report
I was just hoping the battery would last long enough to get the flooding pics! So glad I found the perfect depth for them, with the sinking mud underneath doing the flooding!
It went from dark and gray and rainy to so bright I couldn't see the screen to even realize the waterproof case had partially blocked the camera! But I had to try to get a smiley pic for my smile fans! :D
Me, before heading out: "The boots have been in the rain before, so no big deal; but I'm not going in the river! And absolutely no mud! These are going to be my daily drivers!"
Me, on the trail: "I'm totally going in the river, and I bet I can find some great mud!"
My leggings: *rolling their eyes, because they met me before*
My boots: "Yay!!!!!111!"