My Comments
The conga rats are dancing for you, WOTD! :love:
User: Dms858/11/24report
Thanks! :loveeyes:
Thanks! :kiss:
Photo: 04-67 And we end in deluge!8/10/24report
I put a list of genres in a reply on my Wetlook forum post 'Rained Out' :kiss:
Photo: 04-61 About to get very wet...8/10/24report
Thank you! :kiss:
Photo: 04-40 Deeper n' deeper!8/10/24report
Don't worry! I'll visit my river again, I'm sure! :kiss:
Photo: 04-67 And we end in deluge!8/10/24report
Thank you! :kiss:
Photo: 04-64 Wetter every second 8/10/24report
:loveeyes: :kiss:
Photo: 04-59 For my smile fans8/10/24report
I stayed in the water for a while after I shut the phone off! Loved it soooo much! :loveeyes:
Photo: 04-58 And deeper again8/10/24report
The river was pretty warm! I looked on one site and it said 42f/5.5c or something like that, and... that didn't track. The government site said it was in the mid 70s/upper 20s, which was more what it felt like!
Photo: 04-47 Tits deep!8/10/24report
Awwww... thanks! :kiss:
Photo: 04-41 Switching angles8/10/24report
It's me above and below! x-D
Photo: 04-40 Deeper n' deeper!8/10/24report
Thanks! :kiss:
Photo: 04-52 I think he's trying to photobomb8/10/24report
Very much so! :loveeyes:
Brrr temperature cold or emotional cold? :D
Awww... thank you! :kiss:
Photo: 04-52 I think he's trying to photobomb8/10/24report
:loveeyes: (the title refers to the mayfly sitting on the phone, through whose butt the pic was taken! :D )
Photo: 04-52 I think he's trying to photobomb8/10/24report
I love that! To me, because everything is sensation-based, water is the root of it all: most messes we enjoy have water as a significant component, it's literally what makes it all work. But I appreciate that comment so much! Thank you! :kiss:
Photo: 04-52 I think he's trying to photobomb8/10/24report
The conga rats are dancing for you, WOTD! :love:
User: mudgunge8/10/24report
I definitely had a great time!
Photo: 04-35 Butt it's almost underwater!8/9/24report
I have a feeling you're going to enjoy the rest of this set! :D
Photo: 04-24 Think my top might get wet?8/9/24report
The butt shots were fun to try to take!
Photo: 04-17 Butt deeper...8/9/24report
So very much!
Photo: 04-16 ... and deeper still!8/9/24report
Thank you! :kiss:
Photo: 04-11 With convenient leaf hairstyle!8/9/24report
That was pretty much my thought too, Bob!
Photo: 04-10 Gonna be deeper today...8/9/24report
I was hoping to do more mud finding!
Photo: 04-01 Out hunting for mud again8/9/24report
Lots of fun!
Photo: 03-26 Making waves8/9/24report
Thank you! :kiss:
Photo: 03-23 Soaked through 8/9/24report
And so quickly!
Photo: 03-20 ... and so am I!8/9/24report
Happy because! I had been trying and failing to get caught in the rain!
Photo: 03-12 Slightly less dry hairs8/9/24report
Thanks! :loveeyes:
Photo: 04-34 Moar butt!8/9/24report
What? Me, tease you? Of course! But I'm teasing myself first! :D
Photo: 04-33 A wet shirt contest winner?8/9/24report
That top was perfect! Felt great wet!
Photo: 03-14 ...that keep falling on my head!8/9/24report
This is right before that flash flood started - as the rain wasn't even steady yet.
Photo: 03-10 I'm still dry... my hair, anyway!8/9/24report
Thank you! :kiss:
Photo: 02-068/9/24report
Yep! ;P
Photo: 04-27 Definitely wet8/9/24report
It was a great walk! Beautiful scenery, wonderful rain!
Photo: 03-33 On the trail, drenched8/9/24report
Knee deep in water in the pouring rain! Exceptionally happy! :D
Photo: 03-29 And a very wet girl8/9/24report
I blame the twilight and coming storm - the lighting (and lightning!) was magical! :love:
Photo: 02-098/9/24report
Thanks! :loveeyes:
Photo: 04-28 Onshore R&R8/9/24report
I left the river to hide my purse in a fallen tree, so I could go deeper. Some guy walked up out of nowhere and said hello just as I was about to go back in the river. After he left, I was torn: I wanted to play, and I needed the purse out of the way. It has two smaller straps, and I set them up so I could wear it like a very high backpack. Problem solved!
Photo: 04-28 Onshore R&R8/9/24report
100% tease! But I hope I deliver, too! :kiss:
Photo: 04-27 Definitely wet8/9/24report
It was wonderful, not nearly as cold as when I've been in there when its partially iced over... but it felt refreshing! :D
Photo: 04-18 ... and... noice!8/9/24report
Thank you! :kiss:
Photo: PB-0928/9/24report
Hmmm... I can't afford a maid to help clean, whatever shall I do? :D
Photo: CP2-53 They call this cleanup?8/9/24report
Thanks! Definitely my favorite denim jeans! I plan on wearing them on my next rainy day walk!
Photo: Zip skinny jeans and boot8/9/24report
It felt *sooooo* good!
Photo: 04-18 ... and... noice!8/9/24report
The conga rats are dancing for you, WOTD! :love:
User: todd848/9/24report
And the boots are fantastic! :love:
Love that skirt! :loveeyes:
So much fun! :love:
Photo: 03-29 And a very wet girl8/7/24report
It's always better to be wetter! :splosh:
Photo: 03-33 On the trail, drenched8/7/24report
The conga rats are dancing for you, WOTD! :love:
User: megapies8/7/24report
Wish I was there to explore with you!
Photo: In we go8/6/24report
Stream exploration! Yay! :love:
Photo: Today's paddle8/6/24report
The conga rats are dancing for you, WOTD! :love:
User: messytradie8/6/24report
The conga rats are dancing for you, WOTD! :love:
User: Patsy Pastry8/5/24report
Love the outfit, especially the boots! :loveeyes:

Great shot too, the pose really shows off your curves! :love:
Caramel, of course!
Photo: PB-0778/4/24report
That's pro-level stuff! You need a big budget for all that! x-D
Photo: PB-0498/4/24report
Nope! Peanut butter! ;P
Photo: PB-0798/4/24report
The problem with being your own camerawoman, is you can't see through the pie on your face to perfectly frame the shot! And you don't get a second take! :D (I mean, another pie, maybe, someday... hah!)
Photo: PB-0498/4/24report
Under the water - a silty, grainy loose sandy mud that just persists... the dark, organic mud was to my left, and I was washing it off. :D
Photo: 02-20 Browsing UMD8/4/24report
A boat went by shortly after we were back in the woods - maybe kayak(s) or canoe? We heard voices, and maybe an oar or paddle, but never saw them.
Photo: 02-16 Swamp witch vibes8/4/24report
No, that was as deep as I went in the river that day!
Photo: 02-20 Browsing UMD8/4/24report
Foot, not feet! The other one smelled like turkey gravy! :D
Photo: RB1: Cottage Cheese 8/3/24report
Gorgeous! :loveeyes:
Photo: lil smile8/3/24report
Love this! Great idea! :loveeyes:
Incredible shot! :loveeyes:
The conga rats are dancing for you, WOTD! :love:
User: Your Wet Cat8/2/24report
They can, but I dare me too, and that doesn't make me do something I can't do. Cue the training montage!
Photo: 01-45 Circled area was as far as I went8/1/24report
The conga rats are dancing for you, WOTD! :love:
User: lovewetGB8/1/24report
Found it! :splosh: :loveeyes:
Photo: 01-077/31/24report
That was Monday. It rained all night Tuesday into this morning... today? There are even puddles in the mud... but it's all dry! Oh noes!
Photo: 01-077/31/24report
Out of all the times I've worn them on the river trail... this was their first time getting wet or muddy! :love:
Photo: 01-197/31/24report
Nom nom nom! :D
Photo: Mac Cheese7/30/24report
A scrumptious little mix right there! :kiss:
Photo: Tonight's fun7/30/24report
Sticky sweet! :love:
Photo: Toffee sauce7/30/24report
Delicious! :loveeyes:
Photo: Cherries7/30/24report
The conga rats are dancing for you, WOTD! :love:
User: softsink7/30/24report
I spent hours there! :love:
Photo: PB-104 A relaxing soak7/30/24report
I was! :loveeyes:
Photo: PB-103 A Mina in her natural habitat7/29/24report
Aww! Thanks! :kiss:
Photo: PB-0817/29/24report
The conga rats are dancing for you, WOTD! :love:
User: Wam Bagheera Studio7/29/24report
Yummy! The yogurt's probably almost as tasty! :loveeyes:
Photo: Added yoghurt7/27/24report
I admire your choice in high fashion headwear! :kiss:
Photo: Pie Hat7/27/24report
Me? :D :loveeyes:
Photo: Oh no...who put that there ;)7/27/24report
That's like 0.001 seconds from a big grin! :D
Photo: PB-0607/26/24report
I didn't want to waste it! It needed to be smeared on my face! :D
Photo: PB-0557/26/24report
A different top, but... I happen to be wearing the pvc thong and bikini top and leggings today... and there is still a peanut butter cream pie in the fridge!
Photo: CP2-79 Hung out to dry7/25/24report
The conga rats are dancing for both of you, WOTD! :love:
User: JD and Messy Andi7/25/24report
Sadly, they didn't survive the fun (and, specifically, the yogurt) that was the 2nd third of the Pie Asstravaganza. They molded a little, and were reacting well to the cleaner... but new spots kept appearing... then I looked inside, and it was all fuzzy under the insole, and spreading out! Yoikes!
Photo: The aftermath!7/24/24report
You look gorgeous in that gown! :love:
Mess fallout! Nice! :love:
And also I just liked the smashed cherry stuck in my hair. :D
Photo: CP2-59 No, we're not done yet...7/24/24report
Oh, no! That was perfect aim! Off the tongue and dripping down! :loveeyes:
Photo: CP2-42 Obligatory?7/24/24report
Spoiler alert: the drain is closed. And plugged with cherries. Shame, really... :D
Photo: CP2-547/24/24report
Oh! No, it's not going anywhere!
Photo: CP2-547/24/24report
Supposed to be a sneaky devious muah hah hah ha moment... :D
Photo: CP2-59 No, we're not done yet...7/24/24report
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