Must. Have. FRIED PICKLES!!!! When you get back into town we're getting some. No one else makes them like b-wells. We'll do more muddin and treat ourselves ^_^
OMFG!!!! I JUST now saw the pics of your newest wambabe shoot for guessing the slime. My heart is BEATING OUT OF MY CHEST!!!!!! GOD I'm HORNEY!!!! Lol Ty
we can't help it we're so popular. I don't want to be punished for being well-liked :( Pfft! All that matters are the people who matter. Anyone else is uptight, jealous, and closed-minded. I love what I do, but I'd rather wammers be looking at me than stalkers ^_^ Love you, seester!
Our birthday's coming up! Let the games begin :D I'm going to prank your ass so hard you won't even know. Just expect it sometime within the next coupla weeks ;)
You're just an accident waiting to happen, seester! After all these years of getting messy, I have NEVER gotten an ear infection and you always get them! Hope you feel better :( Love you!
An then we. all. must. buy. the. pics. and. video! :)
Seriously, though - Mehron metallic powder from a costume shop or Mona Lisa powders from an art store will do the job. Dissolve in olive oil. There was a thread (started by the adorably awesome Ms. Ariel, as I recall) in the forums where we discussed recipes.