oooh god YESSS!~<3 FUCK YES!!! Now this is what i want! what i WANNA BE! to be submerge dundeert hat clay... and become a part of it to become one with it to BE the clay... have this clay creature just PULL me RIGHT under and give me the most arousing time of my LIFE! and make it last permanently!
i really wish i could be in there with ya~<3 i so would suck on your clay cock while you submerge me under the clay, transforming me into a mindless, horny, faceless clay mud creature~<3
fuuuuuck!~<3 i really wish i could have this clay creature just....drag me under the clay and transform me into a mindless, horny, faceless clay creature whilst i suck on it's cock~<3
fuck yeeeesss~<3 i really wish i was there, naked, getting pulled under and have this clay mud creature transform me into a mindless horny, faceless clay mud creature whilst i suck on that clay cock underneath~<3 then, with the clay.... a mindless faceless honry clay creature, needy and constantly aroused and with the constant need of sex in clay~<3
hufff~<3 fuuuck!~<3 i really wish i was in there with you~<3 have you just...pull me under and transform me into a mindless, horny, faceless clay mud creature~<3...make me one with the clay~<3 just with a mouthful of clay, eager to suck on that clay cock of yours~<3