I just love it when you look so happy! In the early years of Hollywood, censorship forbade an actress to show the outline of her nipples through her top! If this happened, they would adhere sticking plaster inside her clothing!
Fantastic! I was going the other way to the Quayside! Never used my umbrella! Why on earth did I bring an umbrella? Absolutely lovely meeting you! Peter
Photo: Wet after walking in the rain from the Splunch7/9/23report
I'm just back home! What a lovely night we had! Good company, good food, and good conversation! Thanks indeed to @wamadeus. Whenever you organise something, you are generally the first to hear any complaints and the last to receive any compliments, so here is a hearty, "Thanks!" and I really enjoyed myself! Peter. I'm going to post in the non-WAM forum too!