Thanks for the movie credit. Streaming on Amazon Prime I see. Might have to give this a watch, I'm sure this GIF is the extent of the wet scene, but always enjoy checking out new stuff.
No daily updates tomorrow, or the day after, I'll be away for the weekend. I uploaded a few extra pics and got to the end of the pictures from the latest session this morning anyways. Got a couple GIFs I could share when I get back, maybe a video. Keep me relevant this weekend ;)
Thanks, it was crazy! Footage from this camera is kinda crumby. I gotta get another ring light so I can light both cameras. This camera had a wider more stable shot going, but the other one was closer in the tub, but vertical and behind me, so coming up from the dunks you just saw my behind, but it also had the light ring which helped. The still from this is from a supposed 4k camera. I don't think it is, but eh, it's good enough.
I could go crazy uploading photos, I did two cameras, currently working on getting through editing stills on the first one. It's a pain in the ass because I need a second light ring for the other camera. Have to lighten up all the photos and adjust contrast, photoshop keeps crashing...More will be coming...slowly, but surely. :D
Love you, too
Photo: Waaaaaay beyond clean. More to come. 7/30/24report
Broke down and went to Wally World and bought 10 boxes of cake mix and a bottle of chocolate syrup. Did head dunking for the first time! And yes, you bastards, I eventually ended up covering my maybe I'll actually get some likes this time :-P computer is ever so slowly uploading the footage...hopefully it came out alright, then I can sort through and get some screen grabs :thumbsup: Way too much hair washing today...before the shoot, after, and then I had to go back and do it again 'cause my hair still felt all nasty...I need a new dye job, but...I think it was worth it :D
I think my account got blocked from trying too many times to produce gungey monster pics...I made a new one, but I'm playing it safe, we'll see if the other one comes back. It's time a prompt works, and then all of the sudden it's flagged.
Hey, it's my custom! Can I get an executive producer credit on this? x-D But seriously...this is a pretty swell scene. She mucked it up the first time she filmed it, had no problem filming it a second time the right way.
Definitely Sarah, I don't remember if she had a second name that she went by, at the beginning of the video Leila calls her Sarah and asks if she's ever had chocolate syrup poured over her hair.
One of my favorite shots. I don't claim to be a professional photographer, I have a really crumby cheap digital camera, but every once and a while you get one of those shots that just comes out amazing, and this is one of them.
This is my favorite type of shot, prior to looking up into the mess...I've never really been into the whole taking a face full bit. This is a great shot.