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joined: days ago |
last here: days ago |
8 Loves received todayYesterday: 55 | 280642 Profile views since 1/16/20 |
I'm here to officially announce that I am stepping away from The Mess Factory as we've known it. At present, I will not be accepting new clients or custom requests.
I am doing this for deeply personal & collective reasons. I do not yet know what The Mess Factory will look like on the other side of this pause. What is to come may simply be a continuation of something familiar, through a fresh perspective - or, what has existed may transform into something not yet imagined.
What is important now, is a stop - a pause - a reflection - a disruption - a surrendering - I will watch the fire burn & will align myself/my future work with the dust that settles.
I will continue to be online here if you'd like to reach me. You may also email me at darlasmessfactory @gmail .com. I'll no longer be live streaming & will not be actively posting on my OnlyFans or other paid feed sites.
That being said, I plan to continue releasing content from my library here on UMD as I am able.
I'll post future updates here as they arise.
With love,